Friday, November 16, 2012


For tonight's homework you will read both of the following: the story of Sisyphus (encyclopedic version- and "The Myth of Sisyphus (an essay by 
Albert Camus-  Make sure that you take notes and are prepared to discuss both 
on Monday.  Enjoy your weekend.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Whale Rider & Oedipus Videos

Hello Folks,
    I am posting two videos for your viewing pleasure.  The first will be Whale Rider, and the second will be Oedipus Rex.  You may use these videos to help you remember and understand what it is that we have been working on for the past couple of weeks.   If you are planning on quoting lines from Whale Rider in your essay then be sure cite them correctly.  If you have any questions about this then you should use the Purdue OWL link on the right of this page as a resource. Enjoy!