Sunday, August 18, 2013

    Welcome to World Literature.  This course is used to fulfill your English 12 requirement as well as prepare you for your time in the work force and/or at a college or university.  I am very excited to teach this course and help you become more refined writers, readers, and thinkers.  My hope for this course is that I will help you see the multiple contexts that exist in literature as well as how to use them to understand yourself and the world around you.

    There are some over-arching themes and motifs that are continually noticed throughout the span of this course and they are shaped by a few essential questions:
1.    What are your basic perceptions of the world and your place in it, and from where do those perceptions originate?
2.    Who are you and what shapes your identity?
3.    How can one better understand the characters and plots of literature in both individual and global contexts?
4.    What practices of society are questioned in the literature that we read and do you find it necessary to do the same?

      I am very excited to begin this year with you.  If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach me at  I am also available to meet with you or your parent; simply email me and we will set up a time to meet.